Late night post..
I know it's late.. But I'm still up..
Basically doing nothing, but not feel like going to sleep yet..
Just wrote a post with mixed Mandarin and English..
About a friend of mine, no special meaning..
But he kinda came into my mind and got me thinking.. something..
2013 has been quite a good year..
I had a lot of new experiences..
Like university life, National Service life, life without parents and a lot more..
I learnt a lot..
2014 has just started..
I hope it will be a good year for me too..
Continue to learn..
Continue to live as who I should be..
We'll never know what tomorrow reveals..
Let's just keep our faith and hopes on..
Our God is with us every day..
May God bless everyone..

08 January 2014
有一个人 There's a person
Do you or did you ever have that one person that does so much for you?
And he actually has almost everything and had done almost everything that can make you fall in love with him?
But you never did..
So, this time I feel like writing about him..
Or, more precisely, what seems right to be done..
So, here it goes..
If you've met a guy like this, what would you do? What can be done?
And he actually has almost everything and had done almost everything that can make you fall in love with him?
But you never did..
So, this time I feel like writing about him..
Or, more precisely, what seems right to be done..
So, here it goes..
有一个人, 因为一个人似乎改变了很多..
有一个人, 可以因为一点点的东西就吃醋..
有一个人, 可以那个人说要, 就千里迢迢飞奔过来..
有一个人, 可以不顾什么, 只想满足那个人的要求..
有一个人, 会因为那个人的一句话还是那个人的一件事情彻夜难眠; 即使连那个人都不觉得有什么大不了..
有一个人, 会比妈妈还唠叨, 说要好好照顾自己..
有一个人, 会因为那个人不在, 对什么都提不起兴趣..
有一个人, 傻傻的, 那个人说什么, ta都相信..
有一个人, 傻傻等着那个人, 说也在等时间冲淡一切..
那个人, 说第一次认真喜欢上一个人..
那个人, 说吃醋已经变得自然..
那个人, 问 你真的过来啊? ta就说 你不是要?
那个人, 对方在雨天说想吃冰, 就真的要带ta去..
那个人, 为了计划帮ta庆祝生日, 烦恼失眠..
那个人, 总是担心ta生病, 一直叫ta好好照顾自己..
那个人, 说, ta 喜欢ta..
即使, 打从一开始就拒绝了ta;
即使, 朋友们都一直劝ta放弃;
即使, 过了将近五年;
曾经, 有人说闲语,
ta居然说: 就是因为这些, 你才是你, 你不这样就不是你了..
有人说被爱是幸福的, 爱人是辛苦的..
一个人, 能够接受连你自己都不太接受得到的..
If you've met a guy like this, what would you do? What can be done?
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