

07 March 2017

Well, hello again!

It's been so long since the last time.. Again..
Again, looking back to my previous posts..
I feel that so much has changed..
So much..

Some I can't even remember who I was referring to..
Some, are not even friends anymore..
Some, are nothing more than friends..

Just like the memes and people on the Internet say
2016 was one hell of a year
It wasn't easy

Things that were unexpected happened
Those that were heartbreaking
Those that were depressing
Those that made me break down and cry
Those that made me feel like I'm not good enough
Those that made me feel things are never getting better
Those that made me neglected all other good things
Those that made me feel happy and grateful
Those that made me feel glad
Those that made me reflect on myself
Those that made me realized I didn't lose it all

Recently, I'm once again troubled by the problems that I cannot solve
I tried to communicate
I don't know if I didn't use the right way to do it
I don't know if it's just because it's me
I know I can't fix it alone
But I'm annoyed by the fact that it's only one-sided
Maybe to them, I'm not worthy of their time, if at all
Honestly, I'm hurt, very much hurt
Not that they care anyway

I'm trying to get these STUPID things outta my mind
Coz I have some other more important things to do
Coz ain't nobody got time for this
That's my friends and my mum told me haha
So, this, I shall do

Negative things aside
I have a lot more to be grateful for
Believe it or not, I have a boyfriend now!
It took me some time to take it in myself
He made me believe that he won't leave me
Although I still have doubts about the future, he tries his best to assure me of that

And after all the bad I've been through so far
Now I see 
Who are the ones who stayed
Who are the ones who are always with me
Who are the ones who support me
Who are the ones who believes in me

For those who stood by me through my hard times
Whether you know it or not
And I know you probably won't see this
Thank you :)
I'll never make it through without you guys

To those that we were once friends
Whether how close or how distant we've been
I wish you good health and peace within
To those that I've wronged
Whether you've let it go or not
I'm sorry and I wish that you could shed some light on me
For I am no perfect person
And I can just as silly to not know what I've done wrong sometimes
Thus, we all need the love of Jesus who is complete love
Know Jesus, Know Love
God bless you all! <3

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