

03 November 2014


I wrote about my brother before, and now it's my sister..
It has been a long time since we actually spent quality time together..
I miss the times when we could actually play crazily together until I laugh so hard that I couldn't catch my breath..
And my mum would scold us for laughing like mad people and might cause our neighbours to think there's something happened in our house (she said)..

She read the post that I wrote about my brother, then said she's jealous..
Well, don't be..
I know we are not so attached and so close like we used to be anymore (we used to be best buddies~~), you're still my beloved sister..

I know things can never go back to how it was..
We've all grown up..
There's no turning back..
No more Hakuna Matata.. xD
We now have different priorities, facing different people, different situations everyday..

And, I'm gonna be an aunt soon!
There's no way I wouldn't be excited..
I wanna try and observe everything that I learnt from my class on her.. Haha!
But don't worry, there will be no harm.. :P

Remember those times when we will go for a walk after dinner?
And those times when we play The Sims; actually you're the one playing and I play with your hair..
That was my masterpiece! Haha!

I have to say, our age gap does make me missing out a lot of fun times with you guys..
And I went through my high school years without you..
I know we had very different experiences and our times are very different..
But if you were there, how would things turn out to be?
The sad thing that I can never do, is to go to the same school at the same time with you guys..
I don't know why, I always wished to do that..
The matter of actually having siblings in the same school, I wanted to experience that..

And remember you used to say that by the time I continue my higher education, you're going to pay for my bills and we can stay together?
That clearly didn't happen.. Haha!

Then, I went to PJ for foundation..
Initially, I thought we would be able to spend some time together, but clearly I was wrong..
You were so busy working, and you'll be too tired and lazy to go out during weekends..
And why would you choose to spend time with me when you can spend time with him?
And I knew my Jiebe is not only MY Jiebe anymore..

I lived there for a year with minimum involvement of Jiebe in my life..
Of course, she was a great help during the water rationing season.. Haha!
I can never live without that few liters of water..
I do appreciate that..

You know, Jiebe has always been the sister that will fulfill the desires and wants that I have..
Whenever I go out with her, she'll buy me something that I want or I like..
Honestly, I can live without those.. (although I wouldn't mind you buying them for me.. xD)
Even a home cooked meal could satisfy me, I would like to spend time to have a talk..
Heart-to-heart talk..
When was it since we last talk?
By talk, I don't mean talking about daily hassles, what silly dramas you've been watching to release some stress;
I mean something deeper, what have you been up to, what has been troubling you, and how are you..

I read your blog just now, and then I realised that it has been such a long time since I last read your blog..
The latest post was last year's Christmas season..
You said you don't know what happened to us..
I don't know either..
But you have a life of your own now, and you know daddy isn't the kind of guy that will call randomly just to see how you're doing..
And you don't call that often too.. At least to me..
Gebe always said that both of you have some sort of connection that we don't have..
Well, I couldn't help that either.. Guess that's why..
Things we talk about are just some silly dramas and some other random things..

Well, it's already a long post..
No matter what you think, I want you to know that I love you..
And I appreciate what you did for me..
It's different with you and with Gebe, so don't compare.. (Don't care if you are comparing or not..)
I've started to pray more lately, and I've been praying for you..
Go to church if you might..

Lastly, Jiebe 是 Gazat! :P

31 August 2014







跟我的手工礼物比起来,我的逊毙了.. ><! (想不到居然会用这个词.. 多久没用了啊!)


超感恩! (虽然华人迷信说不要送钟给人.. =.=)
大爱!!! 感恩!!!

该睡觉了.. 明天还有主日崇拜呢~
刚好! 马来西亚,国庆日快乐! xD

30 August 2014


虽然文笔没有很好.. ><!




肚子饿了,他可以煮东西给我吃 (虽然不常 xD)..
(这不是网络上常说的,能够很舒服地跟一个人在一起吗? =P)

可是有分寸啦,太宠也是不好的~ xD

就开始依赖他了~ ><!


我会想念你的, 哥哥~

祝你一切顺利! 上帝赐福给你哟! Muacks! xD

I love you!

11 August 2014

Simple Simple Me

Simple like a baby~ :P

I'm not sure how many of you people know about that..
Maybe some..
What I think about myself is - I'm SIMPLE..

Simple in a way that I'm not stupid, of course..
Simple in a way that I'll not do a plot behind your back, I don't know how to..
Simple in a way that I'll not know if you are plotting against me..
Simple in a way that I'll trust you since the day I met you, until you prove me wrong..
Simple in a way that I'll not worry if anyone is plotting against me..

Yea, maybe you can say that I'm stupid or not using my brain or whatsoever people can say..
Yea, I might not be using my brain, I don't think much about how I treat people..
I don't want to.. Or it's just I'm lazy to..
To think so much about each person that I've met, that what those fellas have in mind of me, is just so TIRING!

I know human can be complicated, like really really complicated and having a lot of conflicts..
I won't know if something that someone does is planned or it's an accident..
I don't care..
You can say I'm selfish, because as long as whatever you do doesn't harm me, I don't freaking care!

I've always thought that we have to treat people sincerely..
Although there are unlovable people, we don't need to like them, we just have to love them..
LIKING is chemistry, LOVE is an act..
Be easier said than done..
I'm still learning..

Truth be told, sometimes, I hate certain traits of certain people, but I still try my best to communicate with them sincerely..
Somehow this comes easily to me, because I tend to forget their annoying traits for a while..
(Unless the traits are just annoying enough that I can't forget.. [not proud of that])
Conclusion, if you heard me complaining about certain people's trait but I still seem fine interacting with them, I'm NOT faking it..
I forget for a while..

Another thing is, you might know some annoying or not-so-good things that people done to other people..
And you want to warn me about it..
Unless you want to me stay far away from those people, don't tell me..
Don't even give a hint..
If you wanna tell, tell everything; if not, don't show me even an expression..
I don't want to put on high guards when I come into contact with them, worrying that they might do something harmful to me..
Your intention might be good.. But it'll jeopardize our friendship..
And by the end of the day, who are we to judge?

And somehow, I tend to stay away from big troubles..
I mean like, they don't really come to me..
At least, I've been in this way for as long as I have lived..

You know, when you treat people sincerely, they act the same..
This has been proved to be true, to me, so far..

I don't like faking, as I, myself already hate fakers..
And I like being "brainless" around my friends..
Well, that's what being with friends about, right?
And I'm just too lazy to think too much.. (But I like to talk about deep stuffs like life or whatsoever..)
So, yea..

A relationship that tires you, will not bring much happiness..
[Random quotes that I came up with, yet to be proven, quite confident that it is true.. XD]

14 July 2014

A Sudden Realization

Haven't been updating my status..
Started my degree in May in Kampar.. Somewhere further from home compared to PJ..
At the same time, no friends except for Andrea and Rose..
A total strange place..

I had quite a hard time adjusting to the environment here..
Thank God that my brother is here, which makes things easier..

After talking to Rose about my difficulties in adjusting, I almost changed immediately from sad and emotional to cheerful and happy..
She said she was shocked to see someone change that fast..

Soon, I'm always the happy and cheerful girl in the class..
I think a lot of people perceive me that way now.. I mean in class, like for those who know me..

And for something what I'll definitely do is find a church here..
Church friends back in PJ said they know someone here, so suggested me to go to that church..
Well, not bad.. People in the church are friendly enough..
However, I'm always quiet in church..
Of course, when I get closer with them I tend to talk more, but in a very very slow pace..

I feel so different being in different settings..
It's like in campus, I'll automatically turn on the happy mode while in church I'll turn on the quiet mode..
It's so two-sided and it's so different..
Too different that I feel so weird and it should be like this..
It's like either I'm wearing a mask in campus or church..
But they are all me.. Just totally different feelings..

Tonight, on the way home after group devotion, I suddenly realized why..
I think I'm an introvert.. Although people will see me as an extrovert..
Somehow I like the surroundings to have some sounds, not noise..
I like being with myself..
No matter there are people beside me or not.. No matter we are talking or not..
Now, there are people that you can be comfortable with even when you don't talk and the opposite..

I don't like awkward silence.. (And I can feel awkwardness easily even when people don't think it is..)
Maybe they don't see it, but whenever Rose doesn't talk, I feel that she has a lot of things inside but she doesn't want to say them out or it's just she can't (maybe we couldn't understand)..
So, I tend to talk a lot with them to make myself feel not so weird..
Eventually, I feel tired after everyday's interactions..
It's a different case in church, people talk a lot.. It's like they don't stop talking..
And I'll just listen.. I'll respond or speak when I need to or when I feel like it..

I need to adjust myself..

When the pressure of academic comes, it's in a way overwhelming..
It's just I tend to avoid it.. And things get worse..
Problems coming, but I'll face it..
With God's help, nothing is impossible.. :)

08 January 2014

2014 Late night post..

Late night post..

I know it's late.. But I'm still up..
Basically doing nothing, but not feel like going to sleep yet..

Just wrote a post with mixed Mandarin and English..
About a friend of mine, no special meaning..
But he kinda came into my mind and got me thinking.. something..

2013 has been quite a good year..
I had a lot of new experiences..
Like university life, National Service life, life without parents and a lot more..
I learnt a lot..

2014 has just started..
I hope it will be a good year for me too..
Continue to learn..
Continue to live as who I should be..

We'll never know what tomorrow reveals..
Let's just keep our faith and hopes on..
Our God is with us every day..
May God bless everyone..

有一个人 There's a person

Do you or did you ever have that one person that does so much for you?
And he actually has almost everything and had done almost everything that can make you fall in love with him?
But you never did..

So, this time I feel like writing about him..
Or, more precisely, what seems right to be done..
So, here it goes..

有一个人, 因为一个人似乎改变了很多..
有一个人, 可以因为一点点的东西就吃醋..
有一个人, 可以那个人说要, 就千里迢迢飞奔过来..
有一个人, 可以不顾什么, 只想满足那个人的要求..
有一个人, 会因为那个人的一句话还是那个人的一件事情彻夜难眠; 即使连那个人都不觉得有什么大不了..
有一个人, 会比妈妈还唠叨, 说要好好照顾自己..
有一个人, 会因为那个人不在, 对什么都提不起兴趣..
有一个人, 傻傻的, 那个人说什么, ta都相信..
有一个人, 傻傻等着那个人, 说也在等时间冲淡一切..

那个人, 说第一次认真喜欢上一个人..
那个人, 说吃醋已经变得自然..
那个人, 你真的过来啊? ta就说 你不是要?
那个人, 对方在雨天说想吃冰, 就真的要带ta..
那个人, 为了计划帮ta庆祝生日, 烦恼失眠..
那个人, 总是担心ta生病, 一直叫ta好好照顾自己..
那个人, , ta 喜欢ta..

即使, 打从一开始就拒绝了ta;
即使, 朋友们都一直劝ta放弃;
即使, 过了将近五年;

曾经, 有人说闲语,
ta居然: 就是因为这些, 你才是你, 你不这样就不是你了..

有人说被爱是幸福的, 爱人是辛苦的..
一个人, 能够接受连你自己都不太接受得到的..

If you've met a guy like this, what would you do? What can be done?